Meghalaya: NPP appoints seven new district presidents in Khasi-Jaintia Hills

Meghalaya: NPP appoints seven new district presidents in Khasi-Jaintia Hills

The National People's Party (NPP) has appointed seven new District Presidents for the Khasi-Jaintia Hills Region. The announcement was made by NPP Spokesperson H.M Shangpliang.

Meghalaya: NPP appoints seven new district presidents in Khasi-Jaintia HillsNPP Appoints 7 New District Presidents in Khasi-Jaintia Hills

The National People's Party (NPP) has appointed 7 new District Presidents for the Khasi-Jaintia Hills Region. The announcement was made by NPP Spokesperson H.M Shangpliang. The decision was made in a meeting chaired by NPP's state party president, Prestone Tynsong.

The new appointees are Seiborlang Shadap for East Jaintia Hills District, Octomewat Lamin for West Jaintia Hills, Teibor Pathaw for Shillong City, Macmilan Byrsat for West Khasi Hills, Biolinda Nonglait for Eastern West Khasi Hills, Clement Mawlong for Ri-bhoi District and Gavin Mylliemngap for East Khasi Hills District. 

“State party president of the NPP Prestone Tynsong today issued the appointment letters to Seiborlang Shadap as President of East Jaintia Hills District, Octomewat Lamin President of West Jaintia Hills, Teibor Pathaw President of Shillong City, Macmilan Byrsat President of West Khasi Hills, Biolinda Nonglait President of Eastern West Khasi Hills, Clement Mawlong President of Ri-bhoi District and Gavin Mylliemngap as President of East Khasi Hills District” said Shangpliang.

Shangpliang said that the appointment letters for the remaining districts of the Garo Hills will be done in the days to come by the state president in consultation with the working president in-charge of Garo Hills.

“The state president has urged upon all the newly appointed presidents to constitute the district committee and the committee will also comprise of members who are actively involved in the body including the existing members, who were in the committee prior to the appointment of these newly appointed president they will be also involved in one way or the other,” he added.

Further, Shangpliang stated that block level committees would be formed shortly following district committees, as they are the most crucial level and have direct access to the grassroots. These committees will be formed quickly.

The state president, he continued, had also issued an appeal to all recently elected district presidents, asking them to submit their proposals by December 20 at the latest. A state-level committee would then be assembled, with representatives from each district bringing their proposals and reports to present to the national president, chief minister Conrad K. Sangma.

“The objective to constitute the district committees is mainly to strengthen the party and as you have already noticed the party has gone in a big way to strengthen right from the state level where in state level members have also already been nominated and the state committee has already been constituted headed by the state party president. These are going to form the basis of strengthening the party right from the grassroots level to the top” said Shangpliang.

He added that the NPP is preparing in a big way for the two elections that are coming which includes that MP and MDC election.

Edited By: Puja Mahanta
Published On: Nov 30, 2023