On Buddha Purnima, auto driver offers free rides in Mizoram's Kamalanagar

On Buddha Purnima, auto driver offers free rides in Mizoram's Kamalanagar

The auto driver who has been carrying forward with this selfless service wishes to remain anonymous while turning his vehicle into a symbol of selfless service. 

On Buddha Purnima, auto driver offers free rides in Mizoram's Kamalanagar

In a heartwarming story that has come to the fore, an auto-rickshaw driver in Mizoram’s Kamalanagar offered free rides to passengers throughout the day. In a display of generosity and community spirit, the man offered free rides throughout the day marking the occasion of Buddha Purnima. 

The driver, whose vehicle bears the registration number MZ-07-7611, provided this service from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Buddha Purnima is the day that marks the birth, enlightenment, and death of Gautama Buddha and is associated with acts of kindness and compassion. It is believed that good deeds performed during this month are rewarded three hundredfold. 

To honor this belief, people donate to religious orders, support monasteries, and offer alms to those in need. 

However, the auto driver who has been carrying forward with this selfless service wishes to remain anonymous, while turning his vehicle into a symbol of selfless service. 

Interestingly, the driver’s initiative did not go unnoticed. His wonderful gesture was praised widely on social media, with many users emphasising the powerful effects that even small acts of kindness can have on society. 

His narrative has gained popularity as an example of how we can still discover ways to make a difference in the world and gain respect in our everyday lives.

Edited By: Riddhi Rishika
Published On: May 23, 2024