Mizoram: Protests rally in Aizawl against poll counting on Christian Sacred Day

Mizoram: Protests rally in Aizawl against poll counting on Christian Sacred Day

The protest rally led by the NGO Co-ordination Committee commenced today in Aizawl to protest the poll counting date on Christian Sacred Day. Earlier, The Committee extended an open invitation to all Mizo Christians, urging them to actively participate in the rally and join forces to defend their religious significance.

The focal point of contention leading to this protest is the unyielding stance of the Election Commission of India on the poll counting date. Despite numerous appeals from NGOs, church leaders, and political parties, the Election Commission has remained steadfast in maintaining the original date for poll counting.

The committee expressed its disappointment with the Election Commission's decision, emphasizing that they have exhaustively appealed for a change in the poll counting date to no avail. The protest rally, therefore, is seen as a last-resort effort to draw attention to the perceived disregard for the sentiments of the Mizo Christian community.