In a heartening endeavour, the trio of IAS brothers, namely Lalthara, C. Lalsawta, and Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, along with their sister Lalhmasai, a professor, presented the "Lalthara te Unau Foundation (LUF)" foundation award for the second consecutive year. The siblings of the family contribute to the fund entirely without help from other sources.
The award ceremony recognized six individuals for their commendable contributions to environmental protection. The recipients for this year include: Vanramchhuangi, K. Lalmuansanga, C. Lalbiakzama, Romalsawma, P.C. Lalnunzira and C. Lalsangpuia.
Each awardee received a sum of Rs 1 lakh along with a citation, acknowledging their exceptional efforts in the realm of environmental preservation and awareness.
In its inaugural year, the foundation embarked on a mission to tackle a variety of environmental issues. The foundation strategically designed these initiatives to positively impact the community and the surrounding environment. Today, marking the second edition of the LUF Award since its establishment, the foundation recognizes individuals who have demonstrated exceptional dedication to environmental preservation. The award ceremony not only highlights and applauds their efforts but also serves as a testament to the foundation's commitment to acknowledging and promoting noteworthy contributions in this crucial field.
The foundation derives its name from the eldest of the IAS brothers, Lalthara, whose illustrious career includes serving as the chief secretary of Nagaland.
Lalthara, also the foundation president, has said that since they are all retiring from their professions, he was wondering what they could leave behind for the country and the nation when they left the active scene, and the idea of setting up a foundation and helping or assisting others came up.
A noteworthy aspect of the foundation's impact is its financial contributions to charitable activities and assistance. The foundation disbursed a substantial sum of Rs. 10,31,800 towards various charitable initiatives in the year 2023.
Various prominent citizens, MLAs, and environmentalists attended today's function.
Launched last year, the foundation has already initiated a range of programmes aimed at addressing diverse social and environmental challenges. The foundation presents the LUF Award for the second time since its inception today. The foundation disbursed a total of Rs 10,31,800 for charitable activities and assistance throughout the year 2023.
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