Nagaland: Election Commission facilitates voting access for Persons with Disabilities on poll day

Nagaland: Election Commission facilitates voting access for Persons with Disabilities on poll day

The Nagaland Election Commission has rolled out several initiatives aimed at assisting disabled and senior voters during the upcoming Urban Local Body elections. Measures include allowing companions for blind and infirm voters, preferential treatment, and ramp facilities.


The State Election Commission of Nagaland said that blind and infirm electors will be permitted to take along a companion to the voting compartment on the day of the elections, in a letter issued ahead of the ULB elections.

The directive which was issued in the interest of facilitating voting by electors with disabilities on the polling day, the commission informed that blind and infirm electors shall be permitted to take with him/her a companion of not less than 18 years of age to the voting compartment, as provided under Rule 57 of the Nagaland Municipal Election Rules 2023. The companion will be allowed to record vote on the ballot paper on behalf and in accordance with the elector’s wishes, and if necessary, for folding the paper so as to conceal the vote and inserting it into the box. 

Electors who are persons with disabilities, senior electors of 75 years of age and above may take the assistance of the persons to facilitate their movement and entry, as per the commission's letter.

The admission of electors (persons) with disabilities, senior electors, women electors with babies into the polling station shall be given preference and precedence over other voters in the queue, the letter further stated.

Meanwhile, ramp facilities in the polling station, wherever available and applicable, for electors on wheelchair can be used for their movement.

The letter also directed that electors may tie up with the concerned offices of the social welfare department/directorate for temporary provisioning of wheelchairs for electors who may need facilities.

As per the directive, the polling personnel and the security personnel may be sensitised on the need to show special empathy and care to the needs of the Voters with Disabilities and other electors.

Edited By: Avantika
Published On: Jun 25, 2024