NSCN(IM) Insists on Separate Flag and Constitution for Nagas, Cites Centre's Backtracking as Breach of Trust

NSCN(IM) Insists on Separate Flag and Constitution for Nagas, Cites Centre's Backtracking as Breach of Trust

The NSCN(IM) has reiterated its demand for a separate flag and a separate constitution for the Naga people as part of the peace talks. It also said that the backtracking of the Centre on the matter is being viewed as a betrayal of trust.

NSCN(IM) Insists on Separate Flag and Constitution for Nagas, Cites Centre's Backtracking as Breach of TrustThe NSCN(IM) has reiterated its demand for a separate flag and a separate constitution for the Naga people as part of the peace talks. It also said that the backtracking of the Centre on the matter is being viewed as a betrayal of trust.

The NSCN(IM) has reiterated its demand for a separate flag and a separate constitution for the Naga people as part of the peace talks. It also said that the backtracking of the Centre on the matter is being viewed as a betrayal of trust.

The NSCN(IM), in a press statement, the Centre has wandered away from the Framework Agreement that was signed with them in 2015. The NSCN(IM) has stated that the Indian representative had initially agreed upon the matter of a separate flag and constitution, but later backtracked on the commitment.

The NSCN(IM) statement read, "Despite Government of India's wavering stand, nothing could be further from the truth as flag and constitution are the integral parts of sovereignty. Sovereignty Without flag and constitution is a form without content . Nagas have been in existence for thousands of years in their own land in accordance with our own sets of law."

The NSCN(IM) further said that the Framework Agreement of 2015 agrees upon the unique history and position of the Nagas and also delves into the concept of shared sovereignty between the Nagas and the Government of India.

"The Framework Agreement reiterates the unique history and position of the Nagas. The concepts of shared-sovereignty and co-existence have also been explained therein. It says, "in democracy, sovereignty lies with the people, "which implies that sovereignty of the Nagas is with the Naga people. It is pertinent to reproduce here the very clause mentioned in the draft prepared by the government of India: "In the matters of her own affairs, as mutually agreed upon, Nagaland shall be sovereign. The agreement shall cover all Naga areas," read the NSCN(IM) statement. 

The NSCN(IM), further said in the statement, that they no longer view Indians as enemies but believe in the concept of peaceful coexistence. 

"We no longer view the Indians as our enemy in the light of peaceful coexistence. But we cannot sacrifice our national principle for the sake of buying friendship. Significantly, the Framework Agreement mentions, 'Co-existence of the two entities sharing sovereign power.' It means-Indians and Nagas will coexist as two entities on the basis of equality and mutual respect of rights as clearly stated by the honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi. This Framework Agreement addresses the sovereign rights of the Nagas and their future as well as the security and commercial interests of India. This historic agreement is seen and appreciated by many international peacemakers as the roadmap to a lasting peace in the Indian sub-continent," read the NSCN(IM) statement. 

The NSCN(IM) further said that the backtracking of the Centre on the issue of a separate flag and constitution for the Nagas is being viewed as a betrayal of trust. 

"Unfortunately, what has begun with much fanfare is now going the way "betrayal of trust" because of the lack of sincerity on the part of the Indian government. This has created huge trust deficit and disillusionment among the people. Friends and critics often said the government of India is playing with time to diminish the hard-earned Framework Agreement. But that will be too costly. The ball is in the court of Government of India," said the NSCN(IM) statement. 

The NSCN(IM) further said that these issues continue to act as stumbling blocks as "the last round of Indo-Naga formal talk that took place on 14th November, 2023, in Delhi is not conclusive but not a deadlocked."

Edited By: Joydeep Hazarika
Published On: Dec 08, 2023