At least 26 people lost their lives in a devastating bus accident on the Samruddhi Mahamarg expressway in Maharashtra's Buldhana district. The incident occurred in the early hours of July 1, when a private travels bus carrying 33 passengers suddenly burst into flames after colliding with a divider near Sindkhedraja.
According to Deputy SP Baburao Mahamuni, the ill-fated bus was en route from Nagpur to Pune when the tragedy struck. Preliminary investigations suggest that the bus's tyre burst, causing it to hit a pole and collide with a divider before catching fire. The driver of the bus, who survived the accident, recounted that the vehicle overturned after the tyre burst, leading to the rapid spread of flames inside.
Buldhana SP Sunil Kadasne provided further details, stating that out of the 33 passengers on board, a heart-wrenching 26 individuals were charred to death. Among the victims, three were children, while the remaining casualties were adults. The injured individuals were promptly rushed to Buldhana Civil Hospital for immediate medical attention.
As the investigation into the accident continues, authorities have not yet determined the exact cause of the bus's tyre burst. The subsequent fire, fueled by the bus's diesel tank, intensified the tragedy, resulting in a significant loss of life.
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