BJP Website Hacked, Pictures and Recipes of Beef Items Uploaded

BJP Website Hacked, Pictures and Recipes of Beef Items Uploaded

BJP Website Hacked, Pictures and Recipes of Beef Items UploadedScreengrab from the BJP New Delhi site

New Delhi, May 30, 2019:

If you thought that all is going to be smooth sailing in the world of politics after the oath taking ceremony of the new Cabinet, you were wrong. Some miscreants have now hacked into the website of the website of Delhi wing of Bharataiya Janata Party.

The hackers replaced several pages of the BJP website with recipes of Beef dishes, accompanied with the message: Hacked by 'Shadow_V1P3R'.

On the homepage, the navigation bar has been edited to replaced word BJP with the word BEEF.

For example, About BJP has been edited to About BEEF, BJP History has been changed BEEF History. Rest of the contents of the homepage remain untouched.

It may be mentioned that the hacking attack took place while the Narendra Modi government is taking oath to office in Rasghtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi.

More to follow.

Edited By: Admin
Published On: May 31, 2019