NHRC takes suo motu cognizance of discrimination against married women by Foxconn in Tamil Nadu

NHRC takes suo motu cognizance of discrimination against married women by Foxconn in Tamil Nadu

National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has initiated an inquiry into Foxconn's alleged exclusion of married women from job opportunities at its Sriperumbudur plant.

NHRC investigates Foxconn's alleged discriminatory hiring practices against married women in Tamil Nadu NHRC investigates Foxconn's alleged discriminatory hiring practices against married women in Tamil Nadu

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), India has initiated action following reports alleging discriminatory employment practices by Foxconn, a major manufacturer of Apple devices, at its assembly plant in Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu. According to media sources, Foxconn has purportedly excluded married women from job opportunities at its iPhone assembly unit, citing cultural and societal reasons.

In response to these allegations, the NHRC has taken suo motu cognizance, expressing concern over potential violations of the right to equality and equal opportunity guaranteed under Indian and international laws. The Commission has issued notices to the Secretary of the Union Ministry of Labour and Employment and the Chief Secretary of the Government of Tamil Nadu, seeking a detailed report within one week.

The issue came to light through a former HR Executive's disclosure that verbal directives were issued to Indian hiring agencies by Foxconn, instructing them not to recruit married women. This practice allegedly conflicted with the company's public advertisements, which did not specify marital status as a criterion for employment eligibility.

Highlighting the significance of gender equality in both national and international frameworks, including treaties such as the International Covenant Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, the NHRC underscored the state's responsibility to ensure compliance with labor laws and uphold the dignity of individuals, particularly women, in the private sector workforce.

Foxconn has denied accusations of discriminatory practices based on marital status, gender, or other grounds, as reported in recent media coverage. The matter remains under scrutiny as stakeholders await the forthcoming reports from state and central authorities, emphasizing the broader implications for labor rights and workplace equality in India.

Edited By: Puja Mahanta
Published On: Jul 01, 2024