Rs 1506 crore sanctioned for infrastructure projects in Sikkim over last 10 years: DoNER

Rs 1506 crore sanctioned for infrastructure projects in Sikkim over last 10 years: DoNER

In response to a query by Lok Sabha MP Dr Indra Hang Subba, the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER) revealed that Rs 1506.02 crore has been sanctioned in the past ten years for infrastructure projects in Sikkim under various schemes.

Rs 1506 crore sanctioned for infrastructure projects in Sikkim over last 10 years: DoNERRs 1506 crore sanctioned for infrastructure projects in Sikkim over last 10 years: DoNER

In response to a query by Lok Sabha MP Dr Indra Hang Subba, the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER) revealed that Rs 1506.02 crore has been sanctioned in the past ten years for infrastructure projects in Sikkim under various schemes. 

This funding is in addition to the mandatory allocation of 10% of the Gross Budgetary Support (GBS) from Central Ministries for the North Eastern Region (NER), aimed at ensuring basic services and infrastructure development.

The Ministry also disclosed that Rs 39,827.6 crore has been spent over the past five years on developing educational institutions in the NER. Within the same timeframe, 10.32% of funds sanctioned by the Ministry, amounting to Rs 1519.01 crore out of a total of Rs 14,713.93 crore, were dedicated to educational institution development under various DoNER schemes.

In the last five years, the Ministry approved 18 projects worth Rs 65.65 crore to support entrepreneurial ventures in the region. To further foster entrepreneurship, the North Eastern Region Entrepreneurship Summit East (NERES) 1.0 was organized at a cost of Rs 2.99 crore.

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Addressing research, the Ministry informed that Rs 27.11 crore was sanctioned for three projects under the Scheme of the North Eastern Council (NEC) during the last five years. However, the amount allocated for research centres remains relatively modest compared to other sectors.

Expressing concern over the limited investment in research, MP Dr Indra Hang Subba commented, “While the allocation for education in the NER is commendable and higher than the national average, the spending on research remains minimal and demands greater attention. Technology and innovation are crucial for national progress, and this can only be achieved by incentivizing research across fields. Without substantial investment in research and innovation, a nation cannot aspire to be a global leader.”

The revelations underline the government’s efforts to bridge infrastructural and educational gaps in the NER while highlighting areas requiring increased focus, particularly in fostering research and innovation.

Edited By: Atiqul Habib
Published On: Dec 12, 2024