In a tragic incident in Chungthang, Sikkim, two tourists from Assam lost their lives in a massive road accident. The accident, which occurred near Bop village in Chungthang, Mangan district resulted in the immediate death of Budhiman Thapa, aged 33, from Sonitpur, Assam, and Krishab Modi, aged 17, from Durgabari, Tinsukia, Assam. The vehicle, carrying seven tourists, met with the accident leaving five others severely injured.
Sources indicate that the victims were promptly attended to following the accident, with joint efforts from the Police personnel of Lachung and Chungthang Police stations. They were swiftly evacuated and transported to Chungthang Primary Health Centre for urgent medical attention. Subsequently they were referred to STNM Gangtok for further treatment. Among the injured all five are reported to be from Tinsukia, Assam and are currently receiving medical care at Manipal hospital.
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