Deputy Chief Minister Jishnu Dev Varma on December 29 lashed out at the administration of Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council (TTAADC) for failing to highlight any developmental works in the district council in the last one and a half years.
TIPRA Motha led by royal scion Pradyot Kishore Manikya Debbarma is now ruling the TTAADC.
While attending a protest rally against the financial irregularities in TTAADC, the Deputy Chief Minister said, “I am the finance minister of the state and whenever I ask for the calculation of the funds, they said ‘Thansa’. what kind of calculation is it? I have given funds and asked for calculations and they only said ‘thansa’. Is this thansa for looting funds? They always said this government never gives funds but I have the account details of the fund which was given to the TTAADC. They never saw file and have food and travel”.
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Dev Varma who is also the state’s finance minister said that till today Chief Executive Member of TTAADC didn’t hold any press conference to highlight the developmental works of the district council in the last 1.5 years.
“During CPIM time the district council used to receive Rs 1155 crore funds and now during BJP time we have sanctioned funds of Rs 1881 crore which is 63% extra fund. Our state budget is Rs 26000 crore in which a 45 per cent budget is for the development of janajati areas. Our government has given so much of the funds and what they had done? They constructed a gate. By constructing a gate can people will receive water, and education? Where are the funds? There is no development in TTAADC while the Executive Members of TTAADC become fat. Till today Chief Executive Member of TTAADC didn’t hold any press conference highlighting the developmental works of the district council in the last 1.5 years”, Dev Varma said.
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