Sleeps for 18 to 22 hours a day.Poor diet and low nutritional value of eucalyptus leaves contribute to their sleepiness.


Sleeps for 10 to 20 hours a day.Unique hanging behavior, coupled with a lack of predators, allows them to spend most of their time in trees.


Little Brown Bat

Sleeps for up to 20 hours a day.Eats half its body weight in insects each night and hibernates during winter.

Spends 16 to 18 hours hiding in burrows.Sleep and feeding habits are closely intertwined.

Giant Armadillo

Sleeps for 18 hours a day.Seeks shelter in hollow trunks or abandoned rodent nests.

North American Opossum

Sleeps for up to 18 hours a day.Engages in brumation, a resting period similar to hibernation, and hunts at night.


Sleeps for 17 hours a day.Active during the night in dense tropical rainforests, excelling at hunting and survival in the dark.

Night Monkey

Sleeps for 16 hours a day.Active at night, they spend most of their time lounging to conserve energy for hunting.


Sleeps for 16 hours a day.Sleep patterns resemble those of humans, and longer sleep cycles aid in memory formation.

Tree Shrew

Sleeps for 15 hours a day.Active during the day, but also sleeps a significant portion of their active season.
