Once abundant in the Great Lakes, this salmonid fish fell victim to overfishing and predation by invasive species.

The Blackfin Cisco

Overfishing, invasive species, and industrial pollution led to the decline of this fish in the Great Lakes.

The Blue Walleye

Rising water temperatures caused by El NiƱo currents devastated this plankton-eating fish.

The Galapagos Damsel

Overfishing and lack of ecological protection led to the disappearance of this salmon relative in Lake Geneva.

The Gravenche

The relentless infusion of silt into its habitat drove this fish to the brink of extinction.

The Harelip Sucker

Introduced trout species led to the extinction of this small fish in Lake Titicaca.

The Lake Titicaca Orestias

Rare to begin with, this fish was further threatened by the stocking of recreational fish.

The Silver Trout

Human encroachment and habitat alteration caused the demise of this resilient desert fish.

The Tecopa Pupfish

Overfishing and habitat conversion resulted in the decline of this once-common fish in California's Central Valley.

The Thicktail Chub

Introduced Rainbow Trout spelled the end for this unique trout subspecies in Colorado's Twin Lakes.

The Yellowfin Cutthroat Trout