Physical money constitutes only 10 per cent of the world's currency; the rest is stored on computers.
The longest word that can be typed using only the first row of your keyboard is "Type Writer."
Try it out for yourself!
More than 5000 new computer viruses are released every month, and about 70% of virus writers work under a contract.
On average, people blink their eyes 20 times a minute, but when using a computer, the blinking rate drops to just 7 times a minute.
The first 1GB hard disk drive weighed about 550 pounds and cost a whopping $40,000.
Over 80 per cent of emails sent daily are spam, so writing a letter might be a better option.
Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, designed his house using a Macintosh computer.
Approximately 5 out of every 10 internet pages are porn-related.
The Ctrl+Alt+Delete function, which is used to reboot a computer, was invented by David Bradley.
Only 450 million out of 1.8 billion internet users can speak English, which makes up just a small percentage.
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