10 most camera shy animals in the world

Porcupine Porcupines are large rodents with sharp spines on their coats that defend them from predators. The term refers to two porcupine families: the Old World Hystricidae and the New World Erethizontidae.

Meerkat Meerkats are, without a doubt, the most entertaining of the shy animals and are very funny. They are pretty gregarious among their species and prefer to congregate in big groups where each individual has a specific task to complete

Black Rhinoceros Their tolerance is short, and they have a sour demeanor that makes them socially awkward and shy. While female white rhinos like spending time with one another, males and black rhinos prefer to be alone

Aardwolf The aardwolf (Proteles cristata) is an insectivorous mammal native to East and Southern Africa that belongs to the Hyaenidae family and is one of the shy five animals of Africa. 

Platypus Platypuses are shy creatures for the majority of their life. However, they are spotted in pairs on rare occasions. Mothers spend several months with their children. 

Skunk Skunks desire to live as free, independent individuals for the sake of other animals, including those in their own families.

Leopard Leopards are the most desirable bachelors in the jungle, woodland, and savanna. These large cats are solitary creatures known for their beauty and grace.

Koala Leopards are the most desirable bachelors in the jungle, woodland, and savanna. These large cats are solitary creatures known for their beauty and grace.

Bat-eared Fox The bat-eared fox is one of the Shy ten cutest and most common sightings because of its large ears compared to its face and the rest of its body. Foraging for ants, termites, spiders, scorpions, and crickets is most common at night.

Aardvark The aardvark is a burrowing, nocturnal, medium-sized mammal native to shy five of Africa. Aardvark is the sole remnant of the order Tubulidentata though several prehistoric mammals of the same species roamed the planet in the past.