8 aromatic Plants You Can Grow Without Soil

Philodendron The plant can thrive without soil and will grow just as readily in a jar of tap water, even though it is often planted in a pot.

Orchids The majority of tropical orchids are epiphytes, which means they develop on other plants as opposed to soil. A gooey membrane that covers their roots draws moisture from the surrounding air.

Air Plants (Tillandsias) Air plants, which belong to the genus Tillandsia, are exactly what they sound like: plants that grow in air rather than soil.

Spanish Moss With the right care, the plant may even thrive indoors. The plant often grows from trees, taking water and nutrients from the surrounding air.

Marimo Moss Balls They may develop with fish in an aquarium or survive independently in a water-filled container.

Paperwhites (Narcissus tazetta) These aromatic plants will happily thrive in a simple environment of water and rocks.

Aechmea Although the plants are nonparasitic grapplers in the wild, they may grow in a minimal quantity of soil and have roots that are tethered to a host plant.

Lucky Bamboo These plants can thrive in soil, but most gardeners choose to grow them hydroponically.