Advantages of having a pet

Loneliness According to research, 80 per cent of pet owners claim that having a pet makes them feel less lonely. Studies conducted in the midst of the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic revealed that the vast majority of pet owners felt their animals to be a significant source of support.

Fitness Having a dog is linked to greater stress management and maybe lower cardiovascular risk. Reaching your daily activity goals by playing in the garden or kicking a ball around in the park is sufficient to keep your dog content and healthy as well.

Stress and anxiety Research claims that petting a dog can lower stress levels and that spending time with a pet can improve mental health.

Children Children who have pets can learn important life lessons from taking on duties to developing regular routines.

People with disabilities For persons with learning and physical challenges, dogs are wonderful companions. People with impairments can handle daily duties both at home and while out with the assistance of dogs.