Animals affected by climate change

Cheetahs Rising temperatures also affect the big cat’s ability to reproduce by causing lowered testosterone levels in male cheetahs.

Giant panda bears Bamboo not only serves as the bears' main source of food but also shields them from the weather. But climate change is reducing the amount of bamboo.

Green turtles The temperature of the sand where a turtle's egg is deposited determines the sex of the hatchling turtle; climatic change also affects turtle development.

Asian elephants High temperatures have a special effect on elephants. Therefore, it becomes more challenging for elephants to receive all the water they require each day as a result of climate change and global warming.

Polar bears Arctic sea ice is disappearing due to climate change and global warming. The polar bears dwell and hunt for seals on this ice, making it significant.

Adélie penguins These birds are found in Antarctica and consume krill, which are organisms that resemble prawns that are found beneath the ice sheets. The ice in this region is melting as a result of climate change.

Jaguars Jaguars are already threatened by habitat loss due to deforestation and killing of both themselves and their prey.

Crocodiles These giants have very few predators, so there may be other reasons they sometimes sleep with an open eye.