English Name: Indian assScientific Name: Equs hemionusLocal Name: GadhaPart used: DungMethod of preparation and medicinal use: Dung kept in water and after one day filtered water is given to cure jaundice.
English Name: CowScientific Name: Bos indicusLocal Name: GaiPart used: UrineMethod of preparation and medicinal use:Urine-Weakness due to fever is cure by drinking urine.Urine-Given to cure cancer.Dung + Milk- Muscle pain can relieve by smear of dung and milk mixture.Ghee- 250 gm Ghee + 100 gm Black pepper mixture given orally to neutralize snake poison.
English Name: DogScientific Name: Canis familiarisLocal Name: KukaroPart used: UrineMethod of preparation and medicinal use: Used as eardrop for curing earache.
English Name: GoatScientific Name: Capra indicusLocal Name: BakriPart used: Urine, Milk Method of preparation and medicinal use: Urine of goat administered orally to cure tuberculosis.Mouth ulcer is treated by direct spray of milk from breast of goat to tongue of a patient
English Name: HumanScientific Name: Homo sapiensLocal Name: ManakhPart used: UrineMethod of preparation and medicinal use: Human urine is used as antiseptic for wound healing.
English Name: Indian PeafowlScientific Name: Pavo cristatusLocal Name: MorPart used: LegMethod of preparation and medicinal use: Peacock's leg is rubbed with water and this essence water is used in ear infections.
English Name: PigScientific Name: Sus scrofaLocal Name: SoorPart used: FatMethod of preparation and medicinal use: Fat of pig is use as massage cream in muscular pain.
English Name: SheepScientific Name: Capra spLocal Name: MendaPart used: MilkMethod of preparation and medicinal use: Used as massage cream in muscular pain.
English Name: PigeonScientific Name: Columba liviaLocal Name: KabutarPart used: Fresh bloodMethod of preparation and medicinal use: The fresh blood is massaged externally to treat paralysis.