Horses The relationship horses share with water is unusual because horses can swim, but they don’t like water.
CatsAs these cats evolved from species that originated in drier climates with large lakes and rivers, the domestic cat developed an aversion to water.
MonkeysMonkeys are afraid of water because they live in tropical regions where there are many predators lurking underwater such as anacondas and caimans.
BobcatsThese elusive animals are known to be great hunters, but like ordinary cats, they avoid water bodies.
BeesThe bees wouldn’t be able to follow their victim into the water body and it’s not mere here say because bees can’t swim and are afraid of water.
Snow LeopardLike other felines, the snow leopard is an elusive creature and an excellent hunter.
DonkeysDonkeys are afraid of water because they’re afraid of losing their footing and drowning.