They can fly and sometimes paddle while flying just above the sea only touching the water surface to catch the fish.
They are both great flyers as well as swimmers. They can also easily walk on land.
They can glide through air from tree to tree. They can also run around like their non-flying cousins.
This fish can walk on land, swim on water and fly in the air. Their long tail helps them balance while walking on land.
Their streamlined bodies are perfect for gliding through water. They are equally proficient in air, while they waddle on on land like their aquatic cousins.
With their large, webbed feet and impressive wingspan, they can swim and fly with ease. They can also gracefully walk on the land.
They are known to walk, swim and fly. Their flippers serve as wings to fly and swim underwater and sturdy legs traverse the icy landscape.
When seagulls are not gracing the skies, they dive into sea to catch fish while effortlessly swimming. Their legs are also allow them to move efficiently on land.
Swans are great swimmers and can also fly through air. They are quite captivating when they walk on land.
They are renowned for their ability to fly and swim. Their feets are well equipped to walk on sandy shores.