COBRAIn certain regions of India, the new craze for hard drug users is reportedly consuming cobra venom as an alternative to drugs like heroin and cocaine.
TOADSIt is believed that natives of the aforementioned areas knew about the hallucinogenic effect of Bufo toads since ancient times.
BEESNightshade honey is said to have psychedelic effects that can cause altered perception, characterized by euphoria and hallucinations.
WASP VENOMIt is revealed that wasps inject neurotransmitters (norepinephrine) into the bloodstream when they sting, constricting small arteries in humans.
SCORPIONScorpion venom’s use as a narcotic is rather common in some parts of Pakistan, India and Southeast Asia.
SPANISH FLYSpanish Fly had a rather negative effect on the ladies: instead of making them horny, it killed them.