DogsResearchers believe that dogs can detect earthquakes due to their ability to hear extremely high frequencies.
Cats Some of the most common cat behaviours before an earthquake include fleeing to safety, meowing loudly, and becoming anxious.
Cows Researchers in northern Italy has proven that cows can sense earthquake.
Birds After the occurrence of the quake, radar images showed birds taking off 15 mins prior to it, which brings to the possibility of them sensing it.
Red Wood AntsThe researchers believe these ants can detect earthquakes because they have “chemoreceptors for carbon dioxide gradients and magnetoreceptors for electromagnetic fields.”
Elephants These giant animals have sophisticated hearing capable of detecting frequencies imperceptible to humans.
ToadsThey did not produce any new spawning (that is, they did not lay eggs) during the period between the initial tremor and the end of the last aftershock.