Animals that Start with 'X'

11 Oct,2023

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The X-Ray Tetra is a small species of schooling fish that is naturally found in the Amazon River’s coastal waters in South America.

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X-Ray Tetra

“They live in the high Arctic, and sightings are prized for birders.”

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The Xenacanthus was a small freshwater shark that went extinct around 200 million years ago.

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The Xenoceratops is the oldest known horned dinosaur ever discovered in Canada.

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“They may have acted as ‘gardeners’ to clear vegetation and disperse seeds through their feces.”

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Xenotarsosaurus is a genus of dinosaurs that lived in Argentina during the Late Cretaceous Period.

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A Xerus uses its fluffy tail as shade from the sunlight in Africa.

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The Xingu River ray is a freshwater cartilaginous fish in the Potamotrygonidae family.

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Xingu River Ray

The Aztecs believed that this dog would guide its owner on the journey to the underworld.

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