Animals With Amazing Tusks

Walruses The walrus is also known as morse, is an aquatic mammal that are unusual and freaking animals that look like seals but not so. However, they belong to a group called pinnipeds, which means ‘flipper-footed’ and have frightening tusks that grow continuously throughout their lives. Both the male and female Walruses have relatively long tusks that are formed from the upper canine teeth making them project downward from the mouth. 

Narwhal Narwhal, a whale found in the Arctic seas of Canada, Greenland, Norway and Russia. This whale is also fondly called  “the unicorn of the ocean”. Narwhal possess strange looking tusks that are sword-like in appearance with pointed ends that extend through its upper jaws.

Elephant The Elephant is the biggest land animal on earth with larger tusks than any other animal.  The tusks of an elephant are actually formed by the incisor teeth that can reach about 6 feet in length. 

Common Warthog The Warthog is an animal with tusks which is actually a wild pig that is found in the grasslands, savanna woodlands of Africa, eastern Africa, Somalia and Ethiopia. One animal with four tusks are these warthogs because they have one pair of tusks from the upper jaws and the other pair from the lower jaws.  The tusks of the upper jaws can reach about 10-25 cm in length.

Chinese Water Deer The Deer are cute and beautiful but have you seen deer with tusks? If not, Now you are about to explore the deer with tusks called ‘Chinese water deer’ that are found in Korea, Chang Jiang, China, However, they are also introduced later to Britain.

Hippopotamus The Hippos are also known as Hippos and ‘water horses’ that are found in Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, and other countries.  The tusks of these animals are large with pointed ends that are found in the upper incisors and the lower canines. They can reach about 3 feet or 1 meter in length with enamel on it. 

Wild Boar The wild boar is also known as the wild swine, wild pig, or simply wild pig in Europe, Africa, India, Andaman Islands, China, and other countries. Average length of the Wild boar tusk is about 7 inches, But in some boar the tusks can grow up to 18 inches. 

Babirusa The babirusas, also known as deer-pigs, are found in the Indonesian islands of Sulawesi, Togian, Sula, Bur, etc. The canine tusk of the male babirusas is so big with curves that can penetrate into its snout while growing. The tusk can reach a length of 17 inches.

Tufted Deer The tufted deer is a small-sized deers with two tusks found in China and other Asian regions. What frightens in the innocent Tufted deer is their long canine teeth make them look like vampires as they are about 1 inch and can be used as defense. However, When predators chase, these deers run in an ‘S’ pattern in order to escape from them.

Musk Deer There are many types of musk deers have tusks. Those types can be Siberian musk deer, Alpine musk deer, White-bellied musk deer, Black musk deer. Actually, The male musk deer don’t have antlers for defense, instead they are equipped with a long tusk that is about 7cm in length.