Animals with distinctive black tongues


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This iconic African mammal has a long neck and a prehensile tongue that is bluish-black in color.

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This fluffy dog breed is recognizable by its blue-black tongue, which is a unique characteristic among canines.

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Chow Chow

These large mammals, native to Central and South America, have long tongues covered in tiny spines and are typically black in color.

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Giant Anteater

Found in the dense rainforests of Central Africa, the okapi has a long, dark tongue that it uses to strip leaves from trees.

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While the black bear's tongue may appear pink at first glance, its underside is often black, which is visible when they stick their tongues out.

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Black Bear

The giant panda's tongue is black and has a unique bumpy texture, which helps them grip bamboo while eating.

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Giant Panda

This small bear species, native to Southeast Asia, has a distinctive black tongue that is long and versatile, aiding in extracting honey and insects from beehives.

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Malayan Sun Bear

This curious insect, found in Madagascar, boasts an elongated neck similar to that of a giraffe and has a black tongue-like structure called a proboscis used for feeding.

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Giraffe Weevil