Animals Without Teeth

Giant Anteaters Scientific Name: Myrmecophaga tridactyla Class: Mammal Diet: Insectivore The giant anteaters are insectivores animals that live in grasslands and rainforests of Central and South America. They are also known as ant bears.

Turtles Scientific Name: Testudines Class: Reptile Diet: Omnivores Turtles are ancient reptiles, widely recognized by their bony shells. They can be found in a wide range of habitats, but the greatest number inhabit Asia and North America.

Pangolins Scientific Name: Pholidota Class: Mammal Diet: Insectivore Pangolins, also known as scaly anteaters are nocturnal creatures that live in burrows and hollow trees. The bulk of their diet consists of termites and ants, and they use their well-developed smell sense to locate food.

Baleen Whales Scientific Name: Mysticeti Class: Mammal Diet: Carnivore Baleen whales are widely spread whale species that live in colder waters of the Antarctic and Arctic. These aquatic mammals feed on small fish and zooplankton. During the feeding season (six months), baleen whales eat up to 4% of their total body weight per day.

Spiders Class: Arachnida Diet: Carnivore Spiders are scary eight-legged creatures that live in almost every habitat on the planet, except for the polar regions. They primarily feed on insects. However, bigger spiders would also feast on vertebrates, birds, snails, and even bats.

Octopus Scientific Name: Octopoda Class: Cephalopoda Diet: Carnivore Octopuses are eight-limb aquatic creatures inhabiting different depths and regions of the ocean environments. Most octopus species are predators, and they tend to go after crabs, lobsters, clams, sea stars, and small fish, among other underwater creatures.

Worms Scientific Name: Lumbricina Class: Oligochaeta Diet: Omnivore Worms are very quiet animals that inhabit underground and freshwater habitats. There are more than 2,500 different worm species, and besides teeth, they lack arms, legs, and eyes.

Tamanduas Scientific Name: Tamandua Class: Mammal Diet: Insectivore Tamanduas are part of the anteater genus that usually live in forests and grasslands of Central and South America. These mammals are semiarboreal and have adapted prehensile tails for grasping and holding objects.

Birds Scientific Name: Aves Class: Reptile Diet: Omnivore When we talk about animals without teeth, we must not forget birds. Although they are animal class rather than a single animal species, they are certainly worth mentioning.