Benefits of Eating Maize Flour in Winters

Brimming with fibre, Makki flour maintains bloods sugar and prevents insulin spike, and also improves digestion.

Regulates Blood Sugar

Maize flour is glutton free a perfect wheat chapati substitute suitable for lactose intolerant people.

Glutton Free

It is rich in folic acid, which is a vital nutrient for pregnant women and new mothers and helps in curbing nutrient deficiencies.

Good for Expecting Women

Makki along with saag and ghee is warm and enriching and this keeps you warm in winters.

Provides Warmth

Brimming with vitamins, beta-carotene and selenium, maize improves thyroid function and is a good addition in diet in winters.

Improves Thyroid Functioning

Maize flour is packed with all the essential vitmains that your body needs regularly. it is also rich in iron, phosphorus, zinc and antioxidants.

Provides Vitamins and Minerals

It can lead to weight gain, thus beneficial for underweight people. 

Helps in Weight Management

It can curb bad cholestrol in the arteries of the heart and ensures that the heart stays healthy and also prevents serious conditions such as heart attack and hypertension.

Reduces Cholestrol