Reduce inflamation
One of the most well-liked, well-known, and significant micronutrients is vitamin C. It might lessen inflammation, safeguard against oxidative stress from the environment, and assist minimise infection risk.
Anti-aging properties
According to studies, eating lemons may also delay the onset of wrinkles and premature ageing of the skin by boosting collagen levels.
Anti-aging properties
According to studies, eating lemons may also delay the onset of wrinkles and premature ageing of the skin by boosting collagen levels.
According to a study, black tea and lemon peel may have greater anti-cancer effects than black tea alone.
High blood sugar
People with a higher risk of developing diabetes or those who have the disease may benefit from both lemon juice and lemon peel. Lemon peel may help reduce high blood sugar, according to research.
Mental Health
Citrus fruits may help lower the risk of mental disorder development, according to studies. They could be beneficial for conditions like Alzheimer's disease and anxiety
A cough may be reduced and sleep quality may be improved by consuming lemon and honey, according to studies.