Best Foods to Reduce Hairfall

Onion juice Due to its high sulphur content, onion juice successfully treats hair loss. It also improves blood circulation to the hair follicles.

Green tea It has been established that drinking a cup of green tea every day not only cures many health problems but also prevents hair loss.

Beetroot juice Beetroot juice contains nutrients such as vitamin C, iron, vitamin B6, magnesium, and potassium, which are all vital for good hair growth.

Indian Gooseberry (Amla) One of the biggest causes of hair loss is a lack of Vitamin C, and Amla is a great source of it, therefore there is no better method to refill it in our system.

Neem leaves After shampooing your hair, make a paste with oil and ground neem leaves and apply it to your scalp. And wash it off after 30 minutes.

Spinach Iron deficiency is one of the leading reasons of hair loss, and spinach not only contains iron but also sebum, which functions as a natural conditioner for hair.

Carrot Known to be good for the eyes, carrots contain Vitamin A that helps improve hair growth. 

Aloe vera Applying Aloe vera juice or gel to your scalp, as well as taking one teaspoon on an empty stomach, can promote healthy hair development.

Eggs and Dairy Products Milk, yogurt, cheese, and eggs are all high in critical nutrients such protein, Vitamin B12, iron, zinc, and Omega 6 fatty acids.

Walnuts It is the only known nut to include biotin, B vitamins (B1, B6, and B9), Vitamin E, a high protein content, and magnesium, all of which help to build hair cuticles and nourish the scalp.