Birds with reckless hunting style

Birds with reckless hunting style

Seagull Utilising their natural predators of hawks and falcons can be the one of the best seagull control methods.

Hornbill It has been listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List since 2018. IUCN stands for International Union for Conservation of nature.

Pelican A pelican's feathers provide some necessary waterproofing for these water-diving birds.

Heron Heron is considered a reckless animal, and had been known to attack

Magpie Sometimes they appear as a sinister omen, but equally often as a friend.

Skua The skuas are strong, acrobatic fliers. They are generally aggressive in disposition.

Hawk Their feet are equipped with sharp, curved talons for capturing prey, and their strong beaks are hooked for biting and tearing flesh.

Falcon To attack larger prey animals, Peregrine Falcons torpedo toward their targets with their legs tucked close to their bodies.

Eagle To catch larger animals, they hunt close to the ground.

Crow They sometimes hunt from a perch, pouncing on prey they see, and catch flying insects and small birds on the wing.