Black Chicken Breeds Of The World
Ayam Cemani The Ayam Cemani is black through and through. This breed has been blessed with the melanistic gene which produces a high amount of melanin. This means they have black skin, feathers, organs and bones.
Java The Java chicken is the second oldest American breed.They were bred using chickens imported from the Far East. At one point you will see this hen on many farms and pastures but with the rise of the industrial hen the Java has become a victim of fast food. She is a slow grower so has been cast aside by the poultry industry.
Sumatra The Sumatra chicken comes from the island’s of Indonesia including Java, Borneo and Sumatra. They can still be found there today. The males have long flowing tails and a regal demeanor, whereas hens are smaller and lack the flowing tails.
Australorp The Australorp was created using Orpingtons.Back in the 1800s Orpingtons were shipped from the UK to Australia. They were well received, however, the Australians wanted a chicken that laid even more eggs. After a few years of effort they created the Australorp. Australorps come in a variety of colors but the most well known variety is black.
Jersey Giant Jersey Giants come from New Jersey State and were bred to rival Turkeys. While this breed did not catch on as well as their creators would have liked, the breed endured and has recently become a popular backyard breed. You will find this breed in three different colors, but black is the most common.
Silkie The Silkie is a very special chicken. They are usually kept for their looks or for companionship. Just like the Ayam Cemani, the Silkie is a true melanistic breed. They have black skin, organs and muscles. In fact in some parts of the world this makes them a magical delicacy.
Breda The Breda is truly a rare breed.In the US there are only a handful of breeders and even in their homeland (Holland) they are considered rare.Sadly worldwide this breed is considered critically endangered. The history of this breed in the US is patchy. All that is known is that they used to be extremely popular around the time of the Civil War but then died away and became extinct in the US.
Orpington The very first Orpington were black in color. This was a deliberate choice to hide the soot and general muck in the atmosphere of the late 1800s. Soon after their creation they became an enormous success as an egg layer that could also be a good sized table bird.
Minorca The Minorca comes from the Spanish island of Minorca. It is thought that the breed was taken to the island when the Moors invaded it almost 3000 years ago. This chicken is all black with a bright red comb, but sadly they are in danger of extinction.
Cochin Most Cochins come in a buff color however you can find them in birchen (black and white). They are a cuddly and lovable chicken. This breed has a long and regal history that dates back to the 1840s when they were presented to Queen Victoria who was an avid poultry enthusiast.