Countries that may go bankrupt any moment


The country is witnessing its bonds sink to record lows, pressure on its peso currency is rising


Its foreign currency holdings are withering, it has an unsustainable peg to the dollar, its current account deficit is way too big.


Tunisia faces a full-blown crisis in public finances that could destabilise the country with knock-on effects around the central Mediterranean region.


The government of Ghana has turned to the International Monetary Fund for its 17th financial rescue since 1957 as the country is literally bankrupt


Kenya came out of the 2008 financial crisis in fine shape. Today, it is mired in 'shocking corruption and debt dependency'.


The country's bitcoin revolution though gave an impetus of an improving finances, yet there seems to be a downturn of the bitcoin mine that might plunge the country to a bankruptcy

El Salvador

Poor policies and heavily indebted since it has taken out loans worth millions and billions of dollars from various nations, Pakistan's ability to repay those loans has drastically decreased


Ecuador has declared itself bankrupt most times among sovereign nations. It has declared bankruptcy 10 times.


Although the country's president cited a turnaround for the country from its worst financial crisis in decades, Sri Lanka may still be burdened over foreign debts

Sri Lanka