Crazy school rules around the world

No Close Friends Thomas School in London, United Kingdom has prohibited its students from making close friends as it may lead to potential heartbreak if they fall apart with their close friends. 

Teachers forbidden to use red pans Teachers at UK's County Cornwall aren't allowed to mark stuedents' papers with red pens as they consider red to be a negative colour

Students allowed afternoon naps A Chinese elementary school at Gaoxin allows its students to take naps during the recess period at noon to rejuvenate themselves for the later half of the school

High fives, hugs prohibited Few schools in both USA and UK completely disallow children from engaging in any sort of physical contact including high fives and hugs. They consider it to hamper students' academic performances.

Good appearance not allowed Some schools in Japan do not allow students to flaunt makeup, painted nails and shaved legs. The authorities want students to focus on their studies instead of looking good