Eight Best Nihilistic Movies To Watch

The film's nihilism lies in the bleak realisation that the pursuit of fleeting pursuits lead to an inevitable spiral into despair.

Requiem for a Dream

The film explores the futility of celebrity worhip and the meaninglessness of seeking meaning through vicarious living.

Being John Malkovich

The nihilism in this film is quite evident in the character's rejection of soceital norms an the pursuit of personal goals without regard for consequences. 

Bad Words

The film questions the pursuit of artistic validation and the fleeting nature of fame while adopting a meta nihilistic stance.


Moondog's rejection or conventional responsibilities and his pursiot of pleasure without concern for consequences.

The Beach Bum

The story is of a conflicted teacher battling addiction and grappling with the meaninglessness of soceital structures.

Half Nelson

The film showcases absurd nihilism as the protagonist navigates a world that is indifferent to individual pursuits.

The Big Lebowski

The movie explores the dehumanising effects of societal conditioning on free will while presenting a dystopian nihilistic vision.

A Clockwork Orange