Eight Types of Jobs After Learning Coding

Web developer From the name itself, one can easily understand, that here coders write codes for developing and maintaining websites. Here one can specialize in front-end or back-end development. One can learn, HTML, PHP or JavaScript for front end; Python, Java or Ruby for back end.

Software engineer Software engineers build software applications such as computer games, web or mobile applications, and network control systems. Students looking for this field should specialized in systems development, application development, or quality assurance testing within this field.

IT technician After learning coding, one can easily become an IT technician, who writes code to automate solutions to common IT problems and administrative tasks.

Data scientist These days, data scientists are in demand across a range of industries for their skills in leveraging data to help drive business decisions. With the help of programming languages, a coder identifies patterns and trends in data, builds algorithms and models.

System administrator System administrators ensure a company's computers are functional and efficient. The role of a system administrator is upgrading, troubleshooting servers, and monitoring security.

Product Manager After learning to code, one can become a product manager, who oversees the vision, business strategy, and development of specific products. As a product manager developing digital products. Here coding experience can help facilitate better team communication ad help you troubleshoot technical issues as they arise.

Cybersecurity analyst A cybersecurity analyst is to protect a company's network from unauthorized access and responds to security breaches when they do take place.

User Experience (UX) designer UX designers ensure that digital products are usable, accessible, and enjoyable by designing with the end user in mind. Coding is not necessary to be a UX designer, however, having this skill may make you a better collaborative partner with the engineers you work with.