Enigmatic mountain birds of the world


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For those seeking the rare and the beautiful, the Araripe manakin is a gem among birds. With only around a thousand individuals in existence, this bird is not just rare but also striking

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Araripe manakin

The Mountain Bluebird stands out with its striking turquoise-blue plumage in males and duller blue wings in females, which may have a red-orange tinge in fresh fall plumage.

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Mountain Bluebird

 The Bicknell's Thrush, a rare habitat specialist of balsam fir-dominated forests in the northeastern U.S. and southeastern Canada, is another bird of high conservation concern.

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 Bicknell's Thrush

The Blackpoll Warbler's faint song fills the montane and boreal evergreen forests during the breeding season, and this species is known for its impressive non-stop migration flights over the Atlantic Ocean. 

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Blackpoll Warbler's 

 Peregrine Falcons, once nearly wiped out by DDT, have made a remarkable recovery and are now a conservation success story.

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Peregrine Falcons

Other mountain dwellers include the Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, a reclusive bird preferring thick, damp forests

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Yellow-bellied Flycatcher

Boreal Chickadee, which resides year-round in the boreal forest are another set of birds found in the mountains

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Boreal Chickadee

The Winter Wren, with its unusual range extending into the far north, and the White-throated Sparrow, known for its distinctive song, are also notable residents of mountainous regions.

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Winter Wren