22 Dec, 2023
Some conspiracy theories suggest that external forces or foreign countries are involved in supporting insurgent groups in the region, aiming to destabilize the area for geopolitical reasons.
There are claims that certain regions in Northeast India are intentionally kept underdeveloped to facilitate the exploitation of natural resources by external entities.
Conspiracy theories occasionally arise, speculating that certain conflicts between ethnic and tribal groups are instigated or manipulated by external actors for their strategic interests.
Some theories suggest that there are deliberate efforts to erode the unique cultural identity of certain communities in the region as part of a broader agenda.
There are speculations about hidden agendas and conspiracies behind the persistent border disputes involving Northeastern states with neighboring countries.
Conspiracy theories link the illegal drug trade and smuggling activities in the region to external forces orchestrating and benefiting from the trade.
The presence of military forces in the region has led to conspiracy theories suggesting hidden motives, including claims of excessive surveillance and control by external agencies.