Fish that Give Live Birth

Blue Sharks The blue shark is one of the largest viviparous fish, with a length of up to four meters (13 feet). The sharks are found in tropical and temperate waters around the world. Females give birth to litters of up to 135 pups. The young sharks are born alive and fully independent.

Bull Sharks The bull shark is one of the most common viviparous fish. These sharks are found in warm, shallow waters around the world. Bull sharks typically give birth to two to ten pups at a time. The pups are born alive and fully developed, with sharp teeth and an instinct to hunt.

Endler’s Guppy Endler’s guppy is a small, colorful fish that is found in freshwater streams and rivers in Trinidad and Tobago. The female Endler’s guppy gives birth to live young after a gestation period of about 28 days. The fry (baby fish) are born fully formed and able to swim and feed on their own.

Fancy Guppy The fancy guppy (Poecilia reticulata) is a freshwater fish that is native to Brazil but has been introduced to many other countries. These small fish are popular in the aquarium trade. The female guppy can give birth to anywhere from two to 100 fry (baby fish) at a time. Guppies are livebearers, meaning that they give birth to live young. The fry is born fully formed and is able to swim and feed on its own.

Fantail The fantail is a small, freshwater fish that is found in streams and ponds in Asia. The female fantail gives birth to live young after carrying them around in her body for about two weeks.

Great White Sharks The pregnant great white shark is one of the largest known viviparous fish. These animals can reach lengths of more than six meters (20 feet) and weigh over two metric tons (4,400 pounds). Great whites give birth to live young that are about one meter (three feet) long.

Hammerhead Sharks Of all the viviparous fish, hammerhead sharks are perhaps the most iconic. These strange-looking creatures are easily recognizable thanks to their unusual head shape. Hammerhead sharks are born alive and fully formed, though they are much smaller than their adult counterparts. These sharks grow quickly, reaching lengths of up to six meters (20 feet) in just a few years.

Lemon Sharks The lemon shark, a requiem shark in the Carcharhinidae family, is found in warm waters across the western Atlantic Ocean, Brazil, and the Gulf of Mexico. Its viviparous nature is remarkable.

Leopard Sharks These bottom-dwelling sharks are found in temperate waters off the coast of California and Mexico. The females give birth to two to six live young after a gestation period of 10 to 11 months. The pups are born fully developed and able to fend for themselves.

Lyretail The lyretail is a type of saltwater fish that is found in the Indo-Pacific region. It is also known as the flagtail, or fork-tailed, wrasse. The lyretail grows to be about 30 centimeters (12 inches) long and is characterized by its long, forked tail and bright colors.getation.