Five Side Effects of Eating Refined Wheat Flour (Maida)

Weight Gain It's been proven that maida can't keep you full for very long. It increases your appetite and promotes bingeing. A rise in insulin secretion is another consequence of the high carbohydrate content, which also contributes to weight gain and obesity.

Diabetes According to experts, refined flour contains large amounts of alloxan, a chemical that causes diabetes.

Stomach problem It has no fibre content and is frequently referred to as the "glue of the gut". Additionally, it slows down the entire digestive system, which aggravates constipation, stress, and obesity.

Nutrient Deficiency All of the components in flour, including vitamins and minerals, are lost during refinement. Additionally, white flour is damaging to the human digestive system due to the bleaching process used to make it.

Nutrient Deficiency All of the components in flour, including vitamins and minerals, are lost during refinement. Additionally, white flour is damaging to the human digestive system due to the bleaching process used to make it.