Leafy vegetable eaten in Manipur, known as Portulaca oleracea.Used to prepare saag and added to Greek salad in Greece.

Leibak Kundo

Shrubs with tubular flowers, Phlogocanthus thyrsiforus.Flowers used in dishes like kangngou and sumtak in Manipur, also known as titaphul or ronga bahak in Assamese.



Rare flowers associated with the Cheiroaba new year celebration in Manipur.Botanical name is Aeschynomene aspera.

Mustard flowers (Brassica campestris) used to make a vegetable soup in Northeast India.Known as champhoot or antui, aids in digestion.


Banana flower, Musa paradisiaca, commonly found in local markets of Northeast India.Used in dishes like ironba and pickled; known as koldil in Assam.

Laphu Tharo

Fragrant flowers resembling basil and tulsi, Elsholtzia blanda.Dried and preserved for months, used for garnishing dishes, especially arbi.

Lomba or Lengmaser

Flower of the Moringa oleifera tree, also known as drumstick flower.Fried in oil and used in vegetarian dishes, known for its whitish, honey-scented flowers.


Flowers of Melia azadirachta, a deciduous tree, used in dishes with pounded rice.Flowers are small, white, and tinged with purplish blue, known for their bitterness.

Ghora Neem

Assamese name for Monochoria hastata, a herb growing in swamps or shallow water bodies.Used to make delicious dishes with fish by communities in lower Assam.

Bhat Meteka

Fragrant white flower, Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, grown in Assam.Used for cooking, slightly bitter, leaves used for making curry and treating skin diseases.

Sewali Phul