Foods That Ease Periods Cramps

Bananas Bananas are typically simple to get and they can provide relief from period pains. Because they are high in fibre, they will facilitate simple bowel movements.

Lemons Vitamins, especially vitamin C, are abundant in lemons. Your body can better absorb iron from food into your bloodstream and tissues with the aid of vitamin C. 

Oranges One of the best foods for period cramps is oranges. They contains more vitamin C than lemons, oranges also have magnesium, potassium, and vitamin D.

Watermelon Your body will quickly become hydrated by watermelon, which also contains trace levels of natural sugars that may ease cramps.

Broccoli One of the best foods for reducing menstruation cramps is broccoli. Broccoli's iron and fibre both work to relieve menstrual cramps. 

Kale Kale is one of the other nutritious foods that can help with cramps. The same as broccoli and other greens, kale is beneficial for period cramps.