From Tradition to Trend: Allure of the Nepali Tilhari Necklace

Feb 27 2024

The Tilhari is a traditional necklace worn by Nepali women, particularly in the Newar community.

Traditional Nepali necklace

Traditionally, the Tilhari is worn by married women as a symbol of their marital status.

Symbol of marital status

Originally, Tilharis were crafted from gold and featured a central pendant.

Gold pendant

Today, Tilharis come in various forms, including gold-plated or imitation versions, with or without a central pendant.

Modern variations

Tilharis can range in length, with some reaching up to 30 inches.

Length variations

While traditionally simpler in design, modern Tilharis can incorporate various beads, stones, and other embellishments.

Design variations

The Tilhari holds cultural significance in Nepal, representing tradition, heritage, and beauty.

Cultural significance