Fun Facts about Japan's Akita Inu Dog Breed

Akitas are famous for being loyal. The story of Hachiko is famous all over the world.

Loyal Breed

They have a rich history that dates back to 3000 years.

Ancient Origins

Akitas were originally bred for hunting and guarding. And even today they possess the hunter's instinct.

Hunting Dogs

There are two varieties: Japanese Akitas having a fox lik face and American Akitas having a bear like face.

Two Varities

They are known to loyal, intelligent and independent. They makes great companions but are aloof to strangers.


The tail curl in Akitas is regarded as a signature mark of breed standard. This gives them a distrinct appearance.

Tail Curl

When it comes to grooming, Akitas are low maintenance. Regular baths and occasional brushing does the job for them.

Low Maintenance