Future is here: Gadgets that will change your life in the next 10 years

Weather forecasting umbrella The Ambient umbrella communicates with its owner through a series of patterned blue lights that indicate if the forecast calls for rain

House that transforms after hearing your command A new micro-apartment called CityHome can transform a 15-by-15 space into an exercise area, lounge, strudy, kitcehn and sleeping areas by its time controled room morph system.

Trash that orders groceries This Amazon trash can has a tiny camera and a bar code scanner that records everything you throw away and sends the information to Amazon, where it is immediately reordered and shipped to you

Now know when someone is looking at your picture The LumiTouch picture frame enables the feeling of closeness, even for those continents apart inspired by long-distance relationships, it comes with two linked frames.

Self peddaling bike The Copenhagen Wheel, announced at the 2009 Copenhagen Conference on Climate Change and developed a cycle that contains a motor which transforms into a hybrid electric bike

The camera that records your entire life This pedometer-size camera called the Narratice Clip attaches to a jacket or shirt or on a necklace and records high-resolution geo-tagged images every 30 seconds without prompting.

The onesie that monitors your baby The Mimo Baby Shirt measures infant respiration, skin temperature, body position, sleep patterns and activity levels

An evesdropping coffee table This Facebook Coffee Table uses real-time speech analysis to picl up keywords from your conversation to pull up relevant Facebook feed photos

The house that tracks your kids The "telepathic" Google Latitude Doorbell, another product developed by Rose and colleagues, lets you know where your family members are and when they are approaching home. 

The fork that helps you lose weight The chunky, $100 fork, which comes in five colors, alerts you with a gentle vibration when you are eating too quickly. It also measures, using the tines of the fork, how long it took to eat your meal.