10 Dec, 2023
Countries like Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Iceland have implemented comprehensive social welfare models. These systems provide universal healthcare, quality education, unemployment benefits, and a strong social safety net.
The National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom offers healthcare services to all residents free at the point of use. It is one of the largest and most successful publicly funded healthcare systems in the world.
Singapore's HDB provides affordable public housing for its residents. The scheme has been successful in ensuring widespread homeownership and creating sustainable, well-designed communities.
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) guarantees 100 days of employment per year to rural households in India. It aims to enhance livelihood security in rural areas by providing at least 100 days of wage employment.
KiwiSaver is a voluntary long-term savings initiative in New Zealand designed to help people save for their retirement. It also provides assistance for purchasing a first home.
Germany's dual vocational training system combines practical training in a company with theoretical education in a vocational school. This approach has been credited with helping to reduce youth unemployment and ensuring a skilled workforce.
China's poverty alleviation efforts have lifted millions of people out of poverty. The government has implemented targeted poverty reduction measures, including infrastructure development, education initiatives, and financial support for impoverished areas.
Australia's superannuation system requires employers to contribute to a retirement fund for their employees. This has helped to build substantial retirement savings for the population and reduce reliance on the government pension.