Hengdang - The Pride of Ahoms


The Hengdan is a single edged sword with a long handle used by the Ahoms in India. 


The handle and the scabbard were designed in gold, silver or wood according to the position of the person

Sword handlers

Hengdan was used as a special kind of sword which was used by high-ranking officials of the Ahom Kingdom like the King, Prime Minister, Commander and Sub-Commander

Sword owners

Ahoms had brought the weapon with them when they entered Assam in the first half of the 13th century.

Entry of Hengdangs

The handle and pommel are much longer, and the blade has the typical east Asian curved shape. It sometimes has a Chinese red tassel.

The Hengdang Body

It is usually around 35 inches / 90 cm long but can be bigger. It weighs about 2.2 lbs / 1 kg.

Hengdang Size

Hengdang is now used in rituals and other traditional customs such as marriages, prayer meets etc.

Hengdang in rituals