How to survive a tiger attack

Stay calm If one thinks that he or she can run at higher speed as compared to tiger, then the person is just fooling himself. In any case, this is not a good idea as tigers are fast and can catch ypu with ease. If you don't want to become a dinner or lunch for tiger, then remain calm and quite. Take your steps back while facing the tiger, but never look into its eyes.

Look bigger and stronger Often tigers consider human as small prey, so one needs to make him or herself look bigger to create impression of being stronger. If tiger apporaches you while you are sitting, just stand as this will make you look less in size.

Take the help of loud noises It is said that tigers are often distracted by loud noises and this can be used to avoid tigers approaching you. The easiest way to do this is to scream as due to this tiger can get scared and you have the leverage to get away from the spot.

Force tigher to flee Since one have very lower chance to survive in front of tiger if he or she runs from the spot. It is better to do wahtever you can force tiger to flee from the spot. However, he or she won't return back in a normal condition. 

Learn to read signs There are signs that a tiger is about to charge you. If the tiger is gearing up to attack you, he will growl, snarl and take a leaping pose.

Climb a tree Whenever you encounter a tiger on foot then in that case look for a nearby tree and climb on it if tiger is a bit far. However you should ensure that you reach a height of at least 15 feet as tiger can jump upto 15 feet comfortably to get you down.

Fight in case you have no choice If you are left with no other options, then just gather some guts and fight the tiger with presence of mind. Don't allow tiger to breathe and hugg him as it can surprise tiger.