In Christian tradition, Jesus is believed to have performed numerous miracles, including healing the sick, walking on water, and turning water into wine.

Jesus Christ

Siddhartha Gautama, known as Buddha, is said to have achieved enlightenment and possessed the ability to see past lives and read the minds of others.


Michel de Nostredame, known as Nostradamus, is famous for his prophetic writings that some believe predicted future events.



Grigori Rasputin, a mystic in the court of the Romanovs, is said to have had healing abilities and wielded influence over the royal family.

Padre Pio

Saint Pio of Pietrelcina is known for his stigmata (wounds resembling those of Jesus' crucifixion) and his reported ability to bilocate (appear in two places at once).

Edgar Cayce

Known as the "Sleeping Prophet," Cayce claimed to have psychic abilities and provided readings and prophecies while in a trance state.

Harry Houdini

While not possessing supernatural powers, Houdini was a master illusionist and escape artist whose feats often seemed otherworldly, earning him a reputation as a magician with uncanny abilities.